Freie künstlerische Arbeiten wie die Multimedia-Performance "the fan tom vox" sind nicht nur das Salz in der Suppe eines Künstlerlebens, sie sind auch das
notwendige Laborexperiment für alle anderen Arbeiten und Inszenierungen. Es ist eine Fusion aus Weltmusik, Pop und Klassik, aus verschiedenen ineinander verwobenen Sprachen, die mit
dadaistischen Techniken verschmolzen werden. Eine fantastische Reise durch eine Ideenwelt, die letztlich auf Platons "Phaidon" zurückgeht.
Die Uraufführung erfolgte im Dezember 1996 in New York, womit sich unser Künstlerkollektiv moon head men auch einen persönlichen Karriere-Höhepunkt verschafft hat, von wegen: It's up to you, New
York ... ;-)

Die MOON HEAD MEN in New York v.l.n.r.:
Alex del Ponte Guitars
Hansjörg Wenzel Sounds
Tatjana Kouchev Voices
Frank Moesner Composer, Voices & Keys
Axel Gaube Video-Effects & Cameras
Lothar Krebs Painting & Liquidtures
Andrea Fülling-Jahnke Costume Design
GAX Axel Gundlach Lyrics, Composition, Voices

... a spirit that had to descend the levels of conscious/nec-essarily has split and formed in several human bodies. Now by and by it tries to find his way back by using our
species’ memories and emotions to reconnect itself to the universal consciousness ...
picture language sound melody feeling belief philosophy are melting together to track a way to some of ... /the ancient knowledge leads through ... /the phantom
voices are the inner stargates to my real and far away world ...
the multilingual lyrics jump lines and languages by homophone syllables or ... /double meanings use strings from ... classic poetry / dada theatre / pop cultures are
expressed in music from all my worlds inside ...
on stage expressing pictures background these worlds in still photography / scans / video / paintings / animated “liquidtures” and an especially developed KaleidoCam
used live on stage ...
“nothing has to be understood, there is no truth to be taught but the one you already got the idea of. music as the one interspiritual language transmits the meaning
of the fan tom vox show by channelling all knowledge and feelings from the deep layers of our minds. The effect is made by the audience ...“
GAX speaks for the moon head men
autumn 1996 / summer 2020