Wie man seine eigene Musikrichtung erfindet? Eigentlich ganz einfach. Man setz sich mit seinem anderen moon head men Frank Moesner zusammen und wirft einfach alles, was einem selber Spaß macht, auf einen großen Haufen, mischt es mit den eigenen multilingualen Dadatexten und verstrickt das ganze in die Strukturen des Pop: sequentielle Wiederholung von Songslogans (mancherorts auch Refrain genannt), klassische Arrangements und worldmusic sounds, Männerchöre, Klaviersoli, Hörspielpassagen - halt alles was kickt oder was uns die Phantomstimmen in unseren Köpfen eingeflüstert haben. Keine Diskussionen mit Plattenfirmenonkels oder anderen Besserwissern, einfach nur das, was uns beide und den Rest von den moon head men einfach berührt, mit einem Wort: Freiheit
Also hört rein: ich empfehle mal die Texte mitzulesen. Wenn ihr die eine oder andere Zeile nicht übersetzen könnt, vertraut einfach auf euren Instinkt: auch darum geht's bei den Phantomstimmen!
got embraced by the sacred coloured tee/-
wi/llingless floating in some kinda pop-mu/-
sec/urely brainwashed with permanent dolby sur/-
round and round and round and round
and round and round the pictures flew
maybe the world gives a million reasons to cr/-
I don't care how you name the chaos out/-
there's not much room for natural beauti/-
ful/l grace is only here inside of my/-
self amu/sing system
my/self amusing system
suburbs and souls are the places of cr/-
I'm encircled by the things that misfit my
fanta/sy/stem is in any single of a t/on/ly
I am the creator of the one and perfect
l/-I have five-finger-painted my/-
self amusing system feeds my/-
self amu/sing system
to comprehend I tell me every joke tw/-
eyes closed I am the most ever happiest per/-
sen/timental backdrafts are no longer nor/-
mal/functions of hope are nine of ten/-
times I have told you to back-up my/-
self amusing system feeds my/-
self amu/sing system
I’m a perfect world !
my/-self amusing system
I’m a self amu/sing system
so come on,
join in my holy laugh/ter/ror is in this sound
amusing myself is a matter of pr/I'd better go now!
the secret is to come with the sound
om mani padme hum
the secret is to come with the sound
Seid willkommen in der Walhal;-
la systema no hace pregun;-
tas/te Dich durch das Dun:-
cal/ifornia rules the world by screens
quiero verte en la luz del far;-
o/pen your mind for the mystic sup;-
port/wein fließt in meinen A;-
dern/ier les mots se trouvent verité
the secret is to come with the sound
om mani padme hum
the secret is to come with the sound
quiero besarte en la luz de la lu;-
na/türlichkeit durchdringt Dein Bewußt;-
sign/s are to be read in every move;-
maint/enant la clarté est plus qu'un desire
la secreta non conosca la via ma;-
la alma ausente vas a reven;-
ihr Lächeln sprengt alle Ket;-
ten/sion, detension as the way to breathe
the secret is to come with the sound
om mani padme hum
the secret is to come with the sound
las palabras son univers;-
Al/les fließt in uns zusam;-
men/tal processes end in ex;-
ce/ci n'est pas une pipe
c'est la question de ta
vie;/viele Götter hausen in
Dir;/ettamente capisce la dolce vi;-
ta/sks improve their solutions
the secret is to come with the sound
om mani padme hum
the secret is to come with the sound
try to invade my warm cell/-
tic ringwalls do surround my gar/-
den/ying access to all of my ene/-
mis/antropical mates from the
past the lawns you find the waters
embracing my home
welcome to my house, it's o/-
pen/writers use to lie all a/-
round tables are covered with pa/-
per/fection's not my kind of busi/-
ness/essarily I love the chaos
in my most beautyful place to
be/es and birds feed me with ho/-
ney/ther wine nor love lacks
me/steries happen like every night/-
mares are even filled with an angellike grace
in my home ...
be welcome to my house/-
warming parties take place here all night/
long for the unforgettable fe/-
ver/tigo memories slowly re/-
turn/tables send out a lost sound
into my holy home ...
now follow me down to the libra/-
re/sources of all human knowled/-
ge/sters generate any wis/-
dom/estic and foreigners’ secrets of life/-
guards are watching the coasts of my soul
so try to invade my warm cell/-
tic ringwalls will embrace you/-
nited spirit welcomes the intru/-
der/ryl the dog barks and bites every/-
on/ce you agreed to get loved you're all safe
in my home
so now try to invade my warm cell/-
tic ringwalls will embrace you/-
nited spirit welcomes the intru/-
der/ryl the dog barks and bites every/-
on/ce you agreed to get loved you're all safe
like a child
in my home
und hier noch ein paar Texte nur so zum lesen ...
touching the untoucha/-
bells will ring the day we will die/-
namic movements overtake what we feel/-
ings that can't be brought back/-
wards we fall
but after all it's a myste/-
re/turn of any chosen reli/-
gen/etic engineering made in Ja/-
pan/ic arises to fuzz up my brain
but invain
I enjoy my delicate memo/-
res/pect to all lifeforms on this pla/-
net/works connecting all ener/-
ge/niussus melting together as
one day we all will be
united in harmony
this is the time it all begins
this is the day when love walks in
this is the god we all have deep inside
this is the hand I’m reaching you
this is the haert that loves you true
this is the day we conquer endless skies
touching the skin of the lo/-
ver/tical increase of heat and hope/-
fully you don't risk to dis/-
miss/ing the chance to bring it all for/-
ward we move
in a groove
this is the one truth to com/-
pany lurks in every mo/-
damn the ones who don't uni/-
fi/ght for the maximum possible grace
in all place
in all space
let's enjoy the delicate memo/-
res/pect to all lifeforms on this pla/-
net/works connecting all ener/-
ge/niussus melting together as
one day we all will be
united in harmony...
this is the time it all begins
this is the day when love walks in
this is the god we all have deep inside
this is the hand I’m reaching you
this is the haert that loves you true
this is the day we conquer endless skies
this is the light that always shines
this is the fire in your eyes
this is the time we enter paradise
this is the task we all must face
this is the way for human race
this is the day we conquer endless skies